Coconut Oil is the Healthy Option

Posted by on December 2, 2013 in Uncategorised | Comments Off on Coconut Oil is the Healthy Option


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Half of the fat that makes up coconut oil consists of a marvellous and rare gift from nature called lauric acid. When lauric acid enters the body, either when you eat coconut oil or rub it on your skin, it gets converted into monolaurin—a monoglyceride capable of wiping out the viruses that carry a lipid coating—herpes, flu and HIV, as well as dangerous protozoa like giardia lamblia.

The next important fat components of coconut oil are its medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). These fatty acids get converted by the liver into energy instead of being laid down as fat deposits.

When it comes to banishing your food cravings, especially for sugars and starches, MCFAs are the best things around. They bring us the energy we long for so we don’t feel compelled to munch on sweets and snacks. Medium chain fats are also highly nutritious. They are regularly used in hospitals to feed critically ill patients who are unable to digest their foods. They also offer excellent support for pregnant and nursing women. Athletes, disillusioned with much-hyped sports drinks that lift you up temporarily only to let you down an hour or two later, are at last waking up to the amazing way MCFAs provide them with energy that lasts and lasts.
Use organic coconut oil in cooking as often as you can. It’s great for frying and for baking. It can be heated to very high temperatures without being damaged the way other oils are when they are heated. Coconut oil does not go rancid like other oils. Coconut oil never causes blood sugar spikes or insulin resistance the way sugars and carbs do. And, taken with any fat-soluble vitamin like D3, A, or E, coconut oil improves your body’s ability to assimilate these nutrients.

Here is a short list of some of the proven health benefits that we can experience when we add coconut oil to our meals on a regular basis.

Coconut oil:

Balances thyroid gland functions
Is an instant source of energy and vitality
Stimulates metabolism
Supports heart health
Produces no insulin spikes in bloodstream
Supports weight control
Has anti-cancer benefits
Is a natural anti-microbial
Has anti-aging properties
Feeds the brain
Creates vitality that lasts
Coconut oil comes in two forms: refined and unrefined. Most coconut oil that you find in a supermarket has been refined. The refined oil tends to be tasteless and without fragrance. Some people like this. However, refined oils don’t offer the same benefits that unrefined, raw, virgin organic oil does. Most refined oils are processed using a chemical distillation procedure. They have been bleached and deodorized in an attempt to produce the bland consumer product that lines our supermarket shelves. Some are even hydrogenated—something you want to avoid at all costs.

There is a number of methods for extracting coconut oil too: expeller-pressed is one during which the oil can often be heated as high as 90 degrees Centigrade.

The higher the temperature, the stronger the smell and taste becomes. This is how some coconut oil ends up smelling as though it has been toasted. Cold-pressed is another extraction method—this does not necessarily mean “raw”, since it too can sometimes be heated. Then there is the centrifuge method. This is often the best extraction method, since coconut oil treated this way is less likely to have been exposed to a lot of heat in the process!

Ref: Leslie Kenton’s  Nov. 2013