Health, Energy, Vitality
Nutrition and Health Coach 
Clara Clark is a qualified Nutrition and Health Coach. With a BTEC Advanced Diploma and FETAC Level 6 Award, Clara now offers Nutrition and Health Coaching, as well as Business, Career and Life Coaching.
Water – is More to Life!
Water is life and Water is my new campaign for More To Life Coaching. Start today! Drink more water… Your body needs up to 2 litres of water – per day. If you are tired, have no energy, are feeling a bit down. Just drink water. Sounds too simple? How much water are you drinking each day? Make a note of when and how much water you drink. Drink 250 mls warm (not chilled) water BEFORE each meal. Let me know how you feel after a week of drinking more water.
“Change is the very essence of life itself”
Leslie Kenton ( ) is one of my role models and inspirations since I met her in 1985, when she took me to a vegan restaurant in London and talked about Raw Energy and her philosophy of healthy eating for a good life.
Award-winning writer, novelist, broadcaster, journalist, lecturer, mother of four, and social activist, Leslie has studied how food, nutrition, exercise and healthy living can transform your quality of life, how you feel about yourself, how you can create your own power, and how you can take control of your life and well-being.
What drew me to her was her “bible” on healthy eating, ‘Raw Energy’. She has written many books and articles on how – by being aware of what you eat and how you treat your body – you can look and feel wonderful, have loads of energy, avoid illness and enjoy life!
So, as you have just one life, how do you want to live it? Do you want more to life? What changes do you want to make to live life to the full?
To find out, and to start you on this exciting journey of discovery, contact me and we can work on this together.